Catt-Trax 2 - TEK - Comments Comments for "TEK" en TEK <img class="image" src="/catttrax2/sites/" width="171" height="73" align="right" />Catt-Trax 2 — Making Global Connections: Antarctica to the Amazon is a powerful example of how technology can span great distances, cultures and diverse geography, to bring teachers and learners together. <br /><br />Following his previous Sustainability Tour of Africa in 2002, Danny Catt now travels across three continents to investigate a new collection of ecosystems and their connections to the global village in which we live.<br /><br />As with all journeys, Catt-Trax 2 will give rise to new stories and provide opportunities to reflect on past adventures. Thanks to the use of new and evolving educational and telecommunication technologies, we can travel alongside virtually, sharing in and adding to the experience.<br /><br />The <a href="" target="_blank">TEK (technology-enabled knowledge) Initiative</a> at BCIT is a five-year undertaking to enhance teaching and learning through the strategic use of technology. Story telling, teaching, and learning are all enabled through TEK projects, which focus on innovation in teaching and learning. <br /><br />While Danny travels, TEK will connect a broad community of fellow travellers, each eager to hear of Danny’s travels and to tell their own stories.<br /><br />The BCIT TEK project team is proud to provide a virtual home for Catt-Trax 2 — Making Global Connections: Antarctica to the Amazon.<br /><br /><strong>Chris Golding</strong><br />VP Learning and Technology Services<br /><a href="" target="_blank">TEK Initiative</a> Project Lead<br />British Columbia Institute of Technology<br /><br /> Thu, 14 Dec 2006 13:33:02 -0800 Content 54 at