Adios Rio Madre de Dios

Submitted by Danny Catt on Mon, 2007/01/29 - 9:54am.

Sliding Down the Rio Madre de Dios
Sliding Down the Rio Madre de Dios

We were up early in the morning in order to get down river to Puerto Maldonado in time to catch a flight to Lima. What took nine hours on the way up... took a short 4 hours on the way down and this time it was in a smaller boat from the research station (no competition for space on this sector of the journey). We saw macaws, parrots, and it was a treat to watch the amazing Amazonian landscape slide by.

Along the Rio Madre de Dios, PeruAlong the Rio Madre de Dios, Peru

We also though saw the numerous mining operations along the shores of the river and the small communities of miners and their families going about thier daily business. One cannot blame them for trying to make a living to feed their families. It is just a shame that there is not much restriction on the location, methods and extent of the mining.

We made it to Puerto Maldonado with enough time to board our flights for Lima. Krista had an exam to write (she is planning on graduate school) while I had to catch another flight, this time to Pucallpa also in the Peruvian Amazon. Pucallpa though is situated on another river, the Ucayali, one of the major tributaries of the Amazon River.

Submitted by Magyk Ace (not verified) on Wed, 2007/02/07 - 3:30pm.

Dear Danny, I think this is a GREAT Site and am raving for more. do u think that u could try to make up some time of your traveling to POST MORE BLOGS??? plz tell me ASAP

Submitted by Danny Catt on Thu, 2007/02/08 - 6:02am.

Hi, and many thanks for your note. I will add more posts to the blog today. I hope you enjoy the new ones.

Cheers, Danny

Submitted by kaitlyn of sinkut view (not verified) on Fri, 2007/02/09 - 8:39am.

dear Danny

i really can't wait to see you through the computer! um.............did you like all the people that you meet?did you get to explore through the amazon basin?did you miss your family while you were gone?did you have to do research on the animals?i'm sorry for all these questions but i would like to know the answers to them and if you can't then thats fine too.

P.S. do you like cheese?haha lol i'm a cheese acholic :P=D :B

Submitted by Danny Catt on Tue, 2007/03/20 - 1:09pm.

Hello and thanks for your hello.

I have met a lot of wonderful people on my trip so far and have enjoyed the many places I have been able to see. I have been in the Amazon basin in Peru and Brazil and hope to see more in Ecuador. I hope all is well wherever you are.



Submitted by Pet Lover (not verified) on Fri, 2007/02/09 - 8:45am.

Dear Danny,

I was wondering if you like animals. And if you don't why???, have you ever adopted an animal from WWF???? !!!!! Plz RespondASAP I like animalz this is the cool way. What is your favorite Brand name? ( DC, Billabong, Fox, Roxy, etc...)??? hahahahahahahahahahahaha LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO

Submitted by Zugunruhe (not verified) on Mon, 2007/02/12 - 9:38am.

Hey Danny!

Just wanted you to know that I'll be following you too! Since your visit, I've since moved downriver, to a gorgeous site that has no internet, but I'll visit Los Amigos every once in awhile to check out your new adventures ! I'm still VERY impressed at your agility with your umbrella to save the climbing equipment from it's predicament in the tower cabling!

Happy travelling, mucha mucha suerte, and keep on inspiring us all!


Submitted by Danny Catt on Tue, 2007/03/20 - 1:14pm.

Many thanks for your post Krista...

I appreciate you taking the time to sign on and say hello. Thanks also for the opportunity to visit Los Amigos... I enjoyed the opportunity very much and I know your work and sucesses have inspired many young people back home in Canada and abroad. Keep up the great work!



Submitted by shrimpo at sinkut view (not verified) on Tue, 2007/02/20 - 2:38pm.
i really enjoy following you its awsome i love the monkey you must see lots of different animals cool write me back
Submitted by Rachel Sharpe (not verified) on Fri, 2007/03/02 - 4:26pm.

hi Danny!

 Great pictures and thanks for providing me an update on my adventurous and worldly friend Krista.  I'll keep watching your page for more info - and inspiration to get down to S.America soon.

  "Snow day" here today due to an ice storm.  A different kind of natural beauty...

 Krista I love you lots!

Rachel in Canada

Submitted by Danny Catt on Tue, 2007/03/20 - 1:11pm.

Thanks for your post... and having just got back from Antarctica I know all about the snow and ice! I hope you will take the time to visit Krista in Peru... she is doing an amazing job! Keep posted as I will add more photos and posts soon.

