The Great Auk - Canada's Penguin
British Columbia: Wildlife
There are 488 bird species in British Columbia. To get a sense of the variety among this species, let’s look closely at three of these birds: the peregrine falcon, rufous humming bird, and the common loon.
British Columbia: Rainforests
A temperate rainforest is defined as “a forest developing in a temperate climate in which winters are mild and precipitation is abundant year round.” British Columbia’s rainforest is the largest remaining intact rainforest and most biologically productive rainforest in the world. The rainforest consists of four biogeoclimatic zones: Coastal Western Hemlock, Coastal Douglas Fir, Mountain Hemlock, and Interior Cedar-Hemlock.
British Columbia: Physiographic Regions
Report prepared by Laura Seaton and Puru Shrestha, students in BCIT's Fish, Wildlife and Recreation program.
British Columbia: Neotropical Migrants
Neotropical migrants are birds which breed in British Columbia during the summer months, and when winter arrives, they fly down to Central and South America, Mexico or the Caribbean Islands. Migratory birds are important to British Columbia, as they maintain a healthy biorhythm throughout the province, as well as the entire continent. There are about 200 species of neotropical migrants, the majority being songbirds. They also include shorebirds, some raptors, and waterfowl.
British Columbia: National Parks
Report prepared by Tim Walton and Ben Russell, students in BCIT’s Fish, Wildlife and Recreation program.
The goal of the national park system is to create a network of parks that represent each of Canada’s diverse natural regions and heritage. There are over forty national parks in Canada, seven of which are in B.C. The long term goal of the National Parks System is to have a park in every distinct region of our country to protect the area for generations to come and to allow people from all over the world to experience the natural beauty of Canada.
British Columbia: Marine Environment
Report prepared by April Reed and Meghan McKillop, students in BCIT’s Fish, Wildlife and Recreation program.
British Columbia’s marine environment is composed of a diverse array of physiographic and oceanographic features that make it a truly unique ecosystem. From the ocean floor to the continental rise and shelf to the intertidal zones, an array of species live who are endemic to these regions.
British Columbia: Lakes and Rivers
Report prepared by students in BCIT’s Fish, Wildlife and Recreation program.
British Columbia: Forests
Montane forests occupy the southern and central interior of British Columbia. They are dry because they exist in the rain shadow of the coastal mountains of the province. These forests are dominated by two tree species ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir. In winter, the snow covers the grassy ground for two or three months. In summer, it is usually hot and dry but not quite as hot and dry as the grasslands.
British Columbia: Fisheries
Report prepared by Shaun Hazell and Rick Hansford, students in BCIT’s Fish, Wildlife and Recreation program.