
The Great Auk - Canada's Penguin

Submitted by Danny Catt on Mon, 2007/03/26 - 3:27pm.
The Great Auk

The Great Auk

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Antarctica - Danco Island and Gentoo Penguins

Submitted by Danny Catt on Mon, 2007/03/26 - 3:13pm.
On Danco Island, Antarctica

On Danco Island, Antarctica

Antarctica – Land Ahoy! The South Shetland Islands

Submitted by Danny Catt on Mon, 2007/03/26 - 12:12pm.
Rough Seas in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica

Rough Seas in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica

En Route to Antarctica - The Drake Passage

Submitted by Danny Catt on Mon, 2007/03/26 - 11:17am.
Raging Seas Crossing the Drake Passage En Route to Antarctica

Raging Seas Crossing the Drake Passage En Route to Antarctica

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Tierra del Fuego National Park, Argentina

Submitted by Danny Catt on Tue, 2007/03/20 - 7:25pm.
At the Southern Tip of Argentina
At the Southern Tip of Argentina
From Manaus, Brazil I bounced my way southward via a series of short flights that took me to Sao Paulo, Brazil (the largest city in South America … and one of the largest

Manaus, Brazil - Meeting of the Waters

Submitted by Danny Catt on Tue, 2007/03/20 - 2:22pm.

The Meeting of the Waters, near Manaus, Brazil

The Meeting of the Waters, near Manaus, Brazil

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Belem – near the Mouth of the World’s Greatest River

Submitted by Danny Catt on Tue, 2007/03/20 - 2:07pm.
The Port of Belem, Brazil

The Port of Belem, Brazil

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New: Jose Calo & Paul Harrison

Submitted by The Catt-Trax2 Team on Mon, 2007/03/12 - 12:42pm.

Here's some new articles to keep you busy while Danny is in Antarctica and out of contact (he'll be back March 15th).

Jose Calo is a Park Ranger and in Iguazú National Park in Argentina and he is sharing some of his experiences on the job in this new conservation in action piece.

Paul Harrison researches atmospheric transport systems and explains how the air connects us all in this new global connections piece.

Salvador - A Carnaval of Musical Proportions

Submitted by Danny Catt on Sun, 2007/03/04 - 6:55pm.

Christ the Redeemer - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Submitted by Danny Catt on Sun, 2007/03/04 - 2:44pm.
Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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